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What are the missing letters?

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What is the missing letter in this word?

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How many cheese are there? Can you count it please?

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Which fruit is bigger?

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Can you count this vehicle?

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Can you spot the different colors of the colored balls?

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Let's count these carrots together!

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Can you count these lemons?

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Do you know the color of these tractors?

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Can you count these elephants?

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Which is the bigger one?

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Let's count these ducks and chickens together!

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Can you count these grapes and peaches?

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Which one is longer?

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Can you identify numbers up to 10?

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Which one is the vegetable that we want?

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How well do you know about these nursery rhymes?

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Which picture has more pencils?

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Can you count these ice creams?

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Can you count this?

