
Can you count these strawberries and apples?

Can you count these corns?

Do you know the color of these ice creams?

Can you find the correct capital letter?

Can you count these dogs?

Do you know the color of these tractors?

Do you know the first letters of these shapes?

Which one is the food that we want?

How well do you know about these nursery rhymes?

Can you tell the color of these fruits?

Can you tell the first letters of these words?

Let's count these peaches together!

Can you count these cookies?

What is the missing letter in this word?

Do you know what you get when two colors are mixed into one?

Can you count these trees?

Can you count these cupcakes and hot dogs?

Let's count these beans and sweet peppers together!

Which one is the animal that we want?

Let's count these kiwis and cherries together!