![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210727-024938367HAJY.png)
Can you tell the first letters of these words of foods?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210506-081423903TWFX.png)
Lets count these hot peppers and cucumbers together!
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-074819768JDJX.png)
Which one is the food that we want?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210722-081312145XIFO.png)
Can you tell the first letters of these words?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210401-050055464HOUP.png)
Can you tell how many garbage truck are there?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210729-034034545SIUX.png)
Let's do some simple calculations.
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210409-090606031EERJ-800x419.jpg)
Learn colors with vegetables.
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-044614205TBRX.png)
Can you count these corns and broccolis please?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210331-092143899HWAQ-800x419.jpg)
Let's learn colors with tanker trucks
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210416-101848702RYFG-800x419.jpg)
Do you know the color of these ice creams?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210520-070319247BCJL.png)
Can you find the missing letter?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20230109-102548048NTOI-800x419.jpg)
Do you know what you get when two colors are mixed into one?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-081123366BFXB.png)
Which one is the animal we want?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210422-050735158OXGX.png)
Can you count these fishes?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20230321-104843690TNRR-800x419.jpg)
What vehicles have you learned from nursery rhymes?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210729-074031307LWBE.png)
What are the missing letters in these words?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210715-082940859XDAR.png)
Which animal is bigger?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210408-073945193LSTG.png)
Let's count these bananas together!
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-053130418LHDA.png)
Let's count these ladybugs and butterflies together!
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20230104-090613766TXTK-800x419.jpg)
Can you tell the colors and numbers of the balloons?