![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210408-082856002TXJI.png)
Can you count these grapes?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-080715609XXEL.png)
Which one is the animal that we want?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210408-085737458VKJF.png)
Can you count these mangoes?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210805-031500072CTQK.png)
Can you tell the order of these animals?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210422-072210424IBYE.png)
Can you count these pencil please?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20220928-111529554QYQJ-800x419.jpg)
Can you tell the order of these objects?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20220926-020359782OMYM-800x419.jpg)
Can you tell the color of these buses?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210401-055803053NLYE.png)
Can you count these vihecles?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-051148603WJQF.png)
Let's count these beans and sweet peppers together!
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210520-075410362VPLW.png)
Can you find the correct capital letter?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210325-063038334OYCT.png)
How many forklifts are there?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-081537169IJOK.png)
Which one is the animal that we want?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqul/20210309-061502675WQFU.jpg)
Do you know all these Nursery Rhymes well?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-083126694YOCA.png)
Which one is the animal that we want?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20220922-110233258JMYT-800x419.jpg)
Can you tell the order of these snacks?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210727-102609155JOSK.png)
Which picture has more snacks?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210513-083112863HGGN.png)
Which one is the animal that we want?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210401-045323315CEBT.png)
Can you tell how many police cars are there?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210401-061928558DYSN.png)
Can you count these?
![Cover Image](/img/cover/nqp/20210318-074101292IWCT.png)
Can you count these school buses?