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Let's count pigs together!

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Can you find the correct capital letter?

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Which picture has more pencils?

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Do you know what you get when two colors are mixed into one?

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Can you count these tomatoes and eggplants?

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Which one is narrower?

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Can you find the correct capital letter?

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Can you count these dogs?

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Can you tell the order of these vegetables?

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Let's count these beans and sweet peppers together!

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Can you identify numbers up to 10?

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Can you tell the colors of these cement mixer trucks?

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Can you count this vehicle?

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Can you tell the first letters of these words of foods?

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Can you count these corns and broccolis please?

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Can you tell the order of these animals?

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Let's do some simple calculations.

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What are the first letters of these words?

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Can you count these lions?

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Can you count these sheeps?

