
Can you tell the color of these cars?

Which one is the vegetable that we want?

Do you know these numbers?

Which one is the animal we want?

Let's count these peaches together!

Can you tell the first letters of these words of vegetables?

Can you tell the color of these fruits?

Can you count these ships?

Lets count these hot peppers and cucumbers together!

Let's count these coconuts together!

How well do you know about these nursery rhymes?

Which one is taller?

Let's count these kiwis and cherries together!

Can you tell the numbers of these ambulances?

Can you count these bananas and oranges?

Which picture has more fruits?

Do you know the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

Let's count these vehicles!

Can you count these ladybugs?

Can you tell the order of these snacks?