
What are the missing letters in these words?

Can you tell the order of these fruits and vegetables?

How many donuts are there? Can you count them?

Can you tell the color of these surprise eggs?

Can you count these watermelons?

Can you tell the color of these trucks?

Can you tell the order of these objects?

Can you tell the order of these animals?

Can you count these cupcakes and hot dogs?

Can you count these bicycles?

Let's count hippos together!

Learn colors with excavators for kids.

Can you count these potatoes please?

Can you count these cookies?

Let's count these kiwis together!

How many planes are there?

Can you tell the order of these fruits?

Let's count pigs together!

Can you distinguish the color of these gumballs?

Do you like crayons? Let's learn colors with crayons.