
Can you tell the color of all the vehicles?

Can you count how many cups of milk are there?

Let's count these pears and pineapples together!

Can you count these?

Can you count these strawberries and apples?

Can you count these tomatoes?

Which picture has more snacks?

Can you count these mangoes?

Can you tell the color of these cars?

Which one is the animal that we want?

Let's count these eggplants together!

Let's do some simple calculations.

Can you count these grapes and peaches?

Can you count these snakes please?

Which one is the animal that we want?

Can you find the correct capital letter?

Do you know what you get when two colors are mixed into one?

Can you tell the colors of these vegetables?

Do you like soccer balls? Let's learn colors with soccer balls.

Do you know the color of these airplanes?