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Can you count these cranes?

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Let's count these celery together!

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Can you count these tomatoes and eggplants?

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Can you tell the color of these balloons?

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Which one is the animal we want?

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Let's count these peanuts and nuts together!

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Let's count these beans and sweet peppers together!

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Can you count these sheeps?

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Let's count these strawberries together!

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Let's count hippos together!

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Can you tell the color of fire trucks?

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Can you count these tanker trucks?

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Can you find the correct capital letter?

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Can you find the missing letters?

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Can you count these grapes?

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Let's count butterflies together!

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Can you count these food?

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Can you count these vehicles?

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Can you count these ships?

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Do you know what you get when two colors are mixed into one?

