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Can you tell the color of all the vehicles?

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Let's count these carrots and pumpkins together!

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Can you count these compactors?

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Let's count these radishes together!

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Lets count these hot peppers and cucumbers together!

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Can you tell the order of these snacks?

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Do you know the color of these ice creams?

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Can you count these potatoes please?

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Which fruit is bigger?

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What are the missing letters in these words?

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Can you count these cupcakes and hot dogs?

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Learn colors with vegetables.

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Let's count vehicles together!

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Can You Wrap The Doll With The Right Towel?

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Can you count these snakes please?

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Can you find the correct capital letter?

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Can you count these cement mixers?

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Can you count these pears?

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Which one is bigger?

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What are the first letters of these words?

