
Do you know the color of these tow trucks?

What is the missing letter in this word?

Which vegetable is bigger?

Can you count these cupcakes?

Let's count these eggplants together!

Can you count these desks please?

Can you tell how many police cars are there?

Can you find the correct capital letter?

Let's count these strawberries together!

Can you tell the order of these fruits?

How many cheese are there? Can you count it please?

Can you count these horses?

Can you count these grapes and peaches?

Which picture has more fruits?

Can you count these cupcakes and hot dogs?

Which is the bigger one?

Can you count these tomatoes?

Let's do some simple calculations.

Do you know the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

Can you tell the order of these objects?